Happy Friday! Caitlin here with a round-up of sorts. October really flew by, huh? Halloween was fun, but we are just excited that as of today, we can listen to Christmas music without feeling TOO silly. Liz already bought egg nog, too. She’s on top of things.
We apologize for being so silent lately, but October really was a whirlwind. You may remember Liz’s post at the beginning of the month when she mentioned NYC Bridal Fashion Week, as well as another Camille Styles book photo shoot. As soon as that was over the prep began for our October 19th wedding at Brazos Hall in downtown Austin. McKenzie Powell joined us all the way from Seattle to help with flowers and styling. That girl has got some talent! This wedding found us hand-making over 70 carnation garlands, each about 12 feet long. Just another thing to add to our résumés, right? James Moes was also in town from Seattle to shoot the wedding, and we even made him help make garlands. He’s a good sport, that James!
After the craziness of the wedding had died down, James took our portraits for the new website (coming soon!). It was nice to hang out in the studio (with cocktails, of course) without our never-ending to-do list looming.
And finally, we ended the month with another Camille Styles book photo shoot, this time for a Thanksgiving feast. Everything looked so beautiful and delicious! I am pretty proud of my first garland ever, too.
Whew! See? October WAS really busy. What’s in store for November, you ask? Lots of planning for our 2014 weddings, probably making more carnation garlands for a large wedding later this month, and lots of fun holiday drinks, treats, and general excitement. Stay tuned!